A lot of my work prior to transitioning to documentary photography was in photojournalism. Many of the methods and guidelines of photojournalism have transitioned with me into documentary photography. As such, I like to photograph things as they unfold naturally. I try to capture the moment as it occurs in a way that is honest to what is happening and who is doing it. I also have a light editorial touch in the sense that I do not like to alter pictures in ways that change the way the photograph is perceived or understood. I edit in a way that simply highlights the beauty and uniqueness that is already there and focus on capturing, rather than creating, moments that speak to an issue or a story.
I work with minimal equipment and photograph in natural light. It is usually just me, my camera and a couple of lenses. When I need something more I usually look for items around me that can act as tripods or lighting equipment. My assignment work so far has been for not for profits working on wildlife, environmental and animal welfare causes and I would love to continue on this path as well as expand into the areas of healthcare and development, including work with brands and organisations that support humanitarian causes. 
For examples of my work please take a look at my portfolio and if you wish to know more about my photographic style please visit my about page where I describe what I look for when I photograph and why. 
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